
Get a dream start to your career


25 LPA Highest salary

With access to higher salaries across programs, we help students realise their dreams and transform their life.


2000+ Companies Hire from us

With leading recruiters offering jobs across various in-demand domains, we give students the right to choose their career.


1110+ Unique job opportunities

With our 100% placement support, students get access to top recruiters hiring for 100+ profiles across multiple domains.


5000+Student placed

With our industry-ready career development programs, we ensure successful placements for our students.

Get placed where you belong

The Sunstone Philosophy

Our philosophy is deeply rooted in helping you learn from the best, providing a hands-on experience so your education is just not limited to theory.

  • Learn from recruiters and founders of leading companies
  • Learn from expert faculty (ex-IIMs, IITs)
  • Practise in real world with capstone projects
  • 10+ in-demand advanced certifications
  • Create a professional portfolio
  • 8+ months of immersive internships/projects*
  • Corporate-backed programs and industry-ready training modulesTCSion | NSDC | AU Small Finance Bank | KPMG

Financial Assistance

Play smart by choosing Sunstone to unlock your dream job. The fee for the program will be based on the campus and the course you choose.

0 Cost EMI

We provide easy fee payment options in association with banks and leading NBFCs.

Up to 100% Scholarship Opportunity

Meritorious students, prolific athletes and other achievers will receive financial support for their higher education.

Easy 3-Step Admission Process

Take the first step toward your dream job

Holistic Learning

Build the leader in you with 360° development through social events and student clubs & societies, and experiences beyond classroom.

  • International/India trips for experiential learning
  • Annual conclaves & seminars
  • Industrial visits & guest lectures
  • Cultural & Management fest
  • Seed funding support with Incubation cell
  • 8+ Interest based clubs
  • Lifetime access to thriving student community pan India

Hear from our students

Available at 25+ colleges across India