
5 Reasons to Get Global MBA in India

  • By Kirti Yadav
  • 10 April 2021
5 Reasons To Get A Global MBA

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With the introduction of new technology, shrinking borders, and an increasingly global community, the world is undergoing a significant transformation. The demand for cutting-edge business ideas and creative minds is on the increase.

MBA and PGDM programs are structured to strengthen a student's understanding of the market, organisational skills, business acumen, and global perspective. The best management programs are transformational, incorporating a comprehensive learning environment that includes robust peer learning as well as world-class faculty.

What is a Global MBA?

A global immersion program is a learning expedition that students take to a foreign country where they get a feel of how the world's leading financial hubs work and experience a different culture. It is a completely immersive experience in the industries of the country, the culture and the operations. 

For this reason, the Global Immersion program feature is offered with Sunstone's edge, an intense, full-time management program that includes an expedition into the international business territory designed to create an environment of transformation, a hothouse for unconventional thinking.

Why choose Global MBA

Being a part of a global immersion program has become essential for MBA/PGDM students for a number of reasons.
Employers want MAB grads to be global citizens and understand the world properly. This is because of the globalisation that has gone on in the last couple of decades and the interconnectivity available nowadays. You can also read more on MBA in International Business with our blog.

Benefits of Global MBA over Normal MBA

Experimental Learning

Merely going abroad isn't the only component of this program. It's a form of learning that allows management students to gain knowledge about a new culture. It allows them to have a positive and long-lasting effect on the society in which they live, as well as form strong bonds with them. 

Personal Growth

This experience allows for tremendous personal development. As a result of the interactions and circumstances encountered in these programs, a new way of thinking develops.

Encountering new situations boosts one's confidence and makes students trust their own abilities. It provides real-world skills to management students, which will stand them in good stead when they enter the corporate world.

Cultural Sensitivity

The overseas module helps students to immerse themselves in a foreign culture while also allowing them to bond with their classmates.

Students become more accepting and perceptive to cultural diversity, diverse backgrounds, and different individuals as a result of these encounters, preparing them for the future as management professionals.

This is crucial for good business relationships because people can easily feel at ease knowing you value their cultures and are therefore easy to connect with.

Global immersion allows people to learn about, experience, and understand cultural differences, making it easier for them to adapt to various cultures and geographies. 

As businesses become more globalised, the need to become immersed in the cultural, economic, and political affairs of various regions grows by the hour, which is why colleges and institutes offer global immersion programmes at the graduate and post-graduate levels.

Personal and professional bonds

The time participants spend together brings them closer resulting in lifelong friendships and bonds. Peer learning has been accelerated and elevated to an entirely new stage. As a result, the importance of studying abroad cannot be overstated, as the ancillary benefits can outweigh the obvious ones.

Foreign Learning

The way teaching happens in foreign countries is in stark contrast with how it takes place in our country.

The teaching style is very holistic, student-centred, and realistic in nature. The program is structured to promote more active participation in class, with a strong focus on industry participation.

While both education systems have merits of their own, international immersion allows the students to assimilate them in order to become the best possible MBA graduate.

Global Immersion Program offered with Sunstone's edge gave the participants an opportunity to visit major industrially relevant places in the countries, see them in action and understand their operations. To know more details about the program click here.

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