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In a job market more competitive than ever before, it's vital that you use any sort of advantage that you can get. You should leave no stone unturned when it comes to shaping your career. Getting the right advice is extremely crucial to make a name for yourself in the corporate world. This will serve as the first step to ensure exponential career development.
This is why we have for you 10 extremely important career tips. Follow these tips and you will definitely succeed in whatever you do!

Expert Tips & Tricks for Career Development
Have The Right Education And Certifications
Nowadays, the number of years of education is not as significant as the skills you have learned. The world of work and the world of education must match. A generalised degree may work only when you have supporting certifications to supplement it with. Choose an add on course that closely identifies with your professional goals.
Make The Perfect Cover Letter
Change every ‘can’ to ‘will.’ That may seem like a little change, but it will help employers consider you as a potential candidate for the organisation. Moreover, instead of using the same cover letter for every company, try to make custom ones. This shows the recruiter that you are serious and passionate about joining them.
Lastly, write your cover letter with utmost politeness and respect. This will enable you to be viewed in a positive light by your potential recruiters.

Upgrade Your Skills
Staying up to date with the latest technology and aligning yourself to the current industry demands, especially when it comes to competitive jobs which will open up better career opportunities for you. .
For example, if you are a digital marketing manager, it is essential that you are aware of the latest advancements in the domain and new strategies for attracting customers. Failing to do so will lead to you getting left behind the pack.

Be Vocal About Your Career Achievements
Let your employer know that you can take on any role with confidence. Learn everything that you can to serve the organisation in the best possible way. This practice will not only open up several career options for you, but will also equip you with new and novel skills.

Have A Concise & Compact Resume
'How to make a resume?' You may stumble across this question very often. The primary thing to remember is to be agile in expressing yourself while knowing where to stop. Employers do not take more than 10 seconds to review your profile. Apart from that , use the latest style to display your skills. Be creative. Moreover, never lie on your resume, as it can backfire very easily!
Be Passionate About Your Career
You don’t have to be a superhuman who can handle multiple things at a time. You should have a proper layout for your career progression to help you plan things ahead. But more than anything else, you should have the fearlessness, ingenuity, optimism, drive and spark to keep up with the work at all times.
Master The Art Of Writing Emails
You should write them so formally as if each one of them is going to get forwarded to C-level executives. It’s not just about correct spellings and formatting, the tone and the crispiness of the content also matters.
Be Solution-Oriented
You will come across many issues in the corporate world. However, while putting forth any problem, you should suggest at least one way to resolve it. Instead of just passing the buck, research the problem and be proactive.
As our COO & Co-Founder, Mr Piyush Nangru says- “It is important for freshers and job seekers to realise that none of these skills are innate but are more like a muscle that can be built with consistent efforts." Problem solving is imperative to the current job market, however, always remember, “Problem solvers are made, not born!”

Delegate Efficiently
You may not be able to maintain your most productive self all the time. Instead, you can do smart work rather than putting in hours working hard at something which can be done more efficiently. Learning the art of delegating is very important to meet deadlines. Never shy away from taking help from your teammates.
Take Initiative In Your Career
Put aside the time for helping your colleagues in every possible way. You do not have to do their jobs. Just making an effort to help can make you way more likeable within your team.

You will definitely have a successful career if you follow these tips. Remember, you should not be happy with a job that does not grow. But to grow in a job, you have to be committed and constantly stay updated with the changing dynamics.
How to choose a career?
Assess your interests and dislikes: what subject do you enjoy studying? Which field do you want to build a career in?
Make a list of careers you want to learn about. This will help you to narrow down on your ideal career path much faster.
Try to form a rough estimation of your long term and short term plans.
What is a career objective?
How to make a resume?
What is the difference between CV and a resume?
While a CV presents a complete history of your academic credentials, a resume is a concise picture of your skills and qualifications for a specific position. The primary difference between the two is the length. A resume can be tailored for different positions, however, a CV will stay put without any changes being made.